The HoneyWord Way®
Teaching God's Word the same way that God teaches it!
left and right brain
How did God teach the Word?
Our method is inspired by the greatest teacher . . . that's right, God Himself! Remember the rainbow in Genesis 9? That's just one small example of how God used vivid symbols and images to engage the left and right brain – which is exactly how your brain loves to learn.
HoneyWord is about etching the Living Word into hearts and minds, but it's also about kindling a playful, profound, life-changing love for God’s Word. It's about bringing the Word, the whole big story, to life. Ready to join in on this divine adventure?
HoneyWord is about etching the Living Word into hearts and minds, but it's also about kindling a playful, profound, life-changing love for God’s Word. It's about bringing the Word, the whole big story, to life. Ready to join in on this divine adventure?
"Knowing HoneyWord makes it easier to understand how God speaks to us and through us."
LoveLady Center
"It's really brought me back to a child-like faith. It works. It makes me excited. What a blessing!"
Highlands COllege
"become like little children..."
HoneyWord is not just for children. It's for the child-like!
The HoneyWord Way® isn't age-specific – it's spirit-specific. When Jesus said we must become like little children, he invited us to child-like humility, wonder, awe, imagination, play, freedom, and most of all, love. HoneyWord is all about falling in love with the Word, whether for the first time or the millionth time. Ready to dive in?
More About the HoneyWord Way™
What version is the HoneyWord Bible?
The HoneyWord Bible is New Living Translation (NLT).
Can I apply for Bibles for my group?
One of the best parts of HoneyWord's mission is providing Bibles for groups in need.
If HoneyWord sounds great for your group, please reach out!
Can I buy a HoneyWord Bible?
Yes! Visit our shop.
Can someone from HoneyWord come speak to our group?
Yes! Visit the contact page to get in touch.

anyone can learn honeyword
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HoneyWord Lessons are perfect for enjoying the Word with your family,
Sunday School class, small group, or organization. Interested in getting training on how to teach using the HoneyWord Way®? Reach out, we'd love to help!
Sunday School class, small group, or organization. Interested in getting training on how to teach using the HoneyWord Way®? Reach out, we'd love to help!
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